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Macro que não funciona de primeira

Enviado: 06 Mai 2015 às 16:27
por k4n3d4
Boa tarde amigos,

Bem, meu problema é o seguinte,

Tenho aqui um arquivo que contém diversas macros, porém uma delas não está funcionando mais de primeira, ou seja, só funciona se antes de executa-la eu executar outra macro antes.

bem, a macro em questão é simples, é só para chamar um formulário:
Código: Selecionar todos
'Abre formulário para input das premissas-chave
End Sub

No formulário existem 2 macros, são estas duas:
Código: Selecionar todos
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Sheets("1. DASHBOARD").Visible = True
    Sheets("1. DASHBOARD").Select
    If Range("ValidCapex").Value = "ok" Then
        Me.Label601.Visible = True
        Me.Label601.Visible = False
    End If
    Me.TextBox123.Value = Range("CAPEX1IN").Value
    Me.ComboBox101.Value = Range("CAPEX1INDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox101.Value = Format(ComboBox101.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2IN").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox50 = True
        Me.TextBox124.Value = Range("CAPEX2IN").Value
        Me.ComboBox102.Value = Range("CAPEX2INDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox102.Value = Format(ComboBox102.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3IN").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox51 = True
            Me.TextBox125.Value = Range("CAPEX3IN").Value
            Me.ComboBox103.Value = Range("CAPEX3INDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox103.Value = Format(ComboBox103.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox128.Value = Range("CAPEX1TR").Value
    Me.ComboBox106.Value = Range("CAPEX1TRDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox106.Value = Format(ComboBox106.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2TR").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox54 = True
        Me.TextBox129.Value = Range("CAPEX2TR").Value
        Me.ComboBox107.Value = Range("CAPEX2TRDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox107.Value = Format(ComboBox107.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3TR").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox55 = True
            Me.TextBox130.Value = Range("CAPEX3TR").Value
            Me.ComboBox108.Value = Range("CAPEX3TRDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox108.Value = Format(ComboBox108.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox385.Value = Range("CAPEX1CC").Value
    Me.ComboBox197.Value = Range("CAPEX1CCDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox197.Value = Format(ComboBox197.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2TR").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox85 = True
        Me.TextBox386.Value = Range("CAPEX2CC").Value
        Me.ComboBox198.Value = Range("CAPEX2CCDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox198.Value = Format(ComboBox198.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3CC").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox86 = True
            Me.TextBox387.Value = Range("CAPEX3CC").Value
            Me.ComboBox199.Value = Range("CAPEX3CCDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox199.Value = Format(ComboBox199.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox389.Value = Range("CAPEX1IU").Value
    Me.ComboBox201.Value = Range("CAPEX1IUDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox201.Value = Format(ComboBox201.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2IU").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox88 = True
        Me.TextBox390.Value = Range("CAPEX2IU").Value
        Me.ComboBox202.Value = Range("CAPEX2IUDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox202.Value = Format(ComboBox202.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3IU").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox89 = True
            Me.TextBox391.Value = Range("CAPEX3IU").Value
            Me.ComboBox203.Value = Range("CAPEX3IUDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox203.Value = Format(ComboBox203.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox393.Value = Range("CAPEX1SP").Value
    Me.ComboBox205.Value = Range("CAPEX1SPDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox205.Value = Format(ComboBox205.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2SP").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox91 = True
        Me.TextBox394.Value = Range("CAPEX2SP").Value
        Me.ComboBox206.Value = Range("CAPEX2SPDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox206.Value = Format(ComboBox206.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3SP").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox92 = True
            Me.TextBox395.Value = Range("CAPEX3SP").Value
            Me.ComboBox207.Value = Range("CAPEX3SPDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox207.Value = Format(ComboBox207.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox470.Value = Range("CAPEX1EQ").Value
    Me.ComboBox222.Value = Range("CAPEX1EQDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox222.Value = Format(ComboBox222.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2EQ").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox104 = True
        Me.TextBox471.Value = Range("CAPEX2EQ").Value
        Me.ComboBox223.Value = Range("CAPEX2EQDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox223.Value = Format(ComboBox223.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3EQ").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox105 = True
            Me.TextBox472.Value = Range("CAPEX3EQ").Value
            Me.ComboBox224.Value = Range("CAPEX3EQDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox224.Value = Format(ComboBox224.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox473.Value = Range("CAPEX1MA").Value
    Me.ComboBox225.Value = Range("CAPEX1MADATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox225.Value = Format(ComboBox225.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MA").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox106 = True
        Me.TextBox474.Value = Range("CAPEX2MA").Value
        Me.ComboBox226.Value = Range("CAPEX2MADATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox226.Value = Format(ComboBox226.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MA").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox107 = True
            Me.TextBox475.Value = Range("CAPEX3MA").Value
            Me.ComboBox227.Value = Range("CAPEX3MADATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox227.Value = Format(ComboBox227.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox476.Value = Range("CAPEX1MEC").Value
    Me.ComboBox228.Value = Range("CAPEX1MECDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox228.Value = Format(ComboBox228.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MEC").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox108 = True
        Me.TextBox477.Value = Range("CAPEX2MEC").Value
        Me.ComboBox229.Value = Range("CAPEX2MECDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox229.Value = Format(ComboBox229.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MEC").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox109 = True
            Me.TextBox478.Value = Range("CAPEX3MEC").Value
            Me.ComboBox230.Value = Range("CAPEX3MECDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox230.Value = Format(ComboBox230.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox401.Value = Range("CAPEX1MF").Value
    Me.ComboBox213.Value = Range("CAPEX1MFDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox213.Value = Format(ComboBox213.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MF").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox97 = True
        Me.TextBox402.Value = Range("CAPEX2MF").Value
        Me.ComboBox214.Value = Range("CAPEX2MFDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox214.Value = Format(ComboBox214.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MF").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox98 = True
            Me.TextBox403.Value = Range("CAPEX3MF").Value
            Me.ComboBox215.Value = Range("CAPEX3MFDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox215.Value = Format(ComboBox215.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox404.Value = Range("CAPEX1EV").Value
    Me.ComboBox216.Value = Range("CAPEX1EVDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox216.Value = Format(ComboBox216.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2EV").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox99 = True
        Me.TextBox405.Value = Range("CAPEX2EV").Value
        Me.ComboBox217.Value = Range("CAPEX2EVDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox217.Value = Format(ComboBox217.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3EV").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox100 = True
            Me.TextBox406.Value = Range("CAPEX3EV").Value
            Me.ComboBox218.Value = Range("CAPEX3EVDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox218.Value = Format(ComboBox218.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If

End Sub
Código: Selecionar todos
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Nome do frame
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With Me.Frame1
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
    With Me.Frame2
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
    With Me.Frame3
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
    With Me.Frame4
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
    With Me.Frame5
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
      With Me.Frame6
        .ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
        'Mudar X.X para atender as necessidades
        .ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight * 2.5
        .ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With

    Me.TextBox1.Value = Range("NomeProjeto").Value
    Me.TextBox2.Value = Range("InicioProjeto").Value
    TextBox2.Value = Format(TextBox2.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.TextBox3.Value = Range("DurImpl").Value
    Me.TextBox5.Value = Range("DurOper").Value
    Me.TextBox9.Value = Range("hs_dia").Value
    Me.TextBox10.Value = Range("CH4noBiogas").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox202.Value = Range("CH4noBiometano").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox11.Value = Range("PerdProcProd").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox13.Value = Range("PcsProj").Value
    Me.TextBox14.Value = Range("PcsRef").Value
    Me.TextBox201.Value = Range("PartProj").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox469.Value = Range("DIVIDENDO").Value * 100
    Me.ComboBox221.Value = Range("MDIVIDENDO").Value
    Me.ComboBox164.Value = Range("estado").Value
    Me.ComboBox158.Value = Range("Ocio1DE").Value
    Me.ComboBox158.Value = Format(ComboBox158.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.ComboBox159.Value = Range("Ocio1ATE").Value
    Me.ComboBox159.Value = Format(ComboBox159.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.TextBox203.Value = Range("Ocio1").Value * 100
    If Range("Ocio2DE").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox73.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox160.Value = Range("Ocio2DE").Value
        Me.ComboBox160.Value = Format(ComboBox160.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        Me.ComboBox161.Value = Range("Ocio2ATE").Value
        Me.ComboBox161.Value = Format(ComboBox161.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        Me.TextBox204.Value = Range("Ocio2").Value * 100
        If Range("Ocio3DE").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox74.Value = True
            Me.TextBox205.Value = Range("Ocio3").Value * 100
        End If
    End If
    Me.ComboBox166.Value = Range("CapMax1DE").Value
    Me.ComboBox166.Value = Format(ComboBox166.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.ComboBox167.Value = Range("CapMax1ATE").Value
    Me.ComboBox167.Value = Format(ComboBox167.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.TextBox210.Value = Range("CapMax1").Value
    If Range("Ocio2DE").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox75.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox168.Value = Range("CapMax2DE").Value
        Me.ComboBox168.Value = Format(ComboBox168.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        Me.ComboBox169.Value = Range("CapMax2ATE").Value
        Me.ComboBox169.Value = Format(ComboBox169.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        Me.TextBox211.Value = Range("CapMax2").Value
        If Range("CapMax3DE").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox76.Value = True
            Me.TextBox212.Value = Range("CapMax3").Value
        End If
    End If
    If Range("tipoVB").Value = 1 Then
        Me.OptionButton11 = True
        Me.TextBox16.Value = Range("m1VB").Value
        Me.TextBox17.Value = Range("m2VB").Value
        Me.TextBox18.Value = Range("m3VB").Value
        Me.TextBox19.Value = Range("m4VB").Value
        Me.TextBox20.Value = Range("m5VB").Value
        Me.TextBox21.Value = Range("m6VB").Value
        Me.TextBox22.Value = Range("m7VB").Value
        Me.TextBox23.Value = Range("m8VB").Value
        Me.TextBox24.Value = Range("m9VB").Value
        Me.TextBox25.Value = Range("m10VB").Value
        Me.TextBox26.Value = Range("m11VB").Value
        Me.TextBox27.Value = Range("m12VB").Value
        Me.TextBox28.Value = Range("m13VB").Value
        Me.TextBox29.Value = Range("m14VB").Value
        Me.TextBox30.Value = Range("m15VB").Value
        Me.TextBox31.Value = Range("m16VB").Value
        Me.TextBox32.Value = Range("m17VB").Value
        Me.TextBox33.Value = Range("m18VB").Value
        Me.TextBox34.Value = Range("m19VB").Value
        Me.TextBox35.Value = Range("m20VB").Value
        Me.TextBox36.Value = Range("m21VB").Value
        Me.TextBox37.Value = Range("m22VB").Value
        Me.TextBox38.Value = Range("m23VB").Value
        Me.TextBox39.Value = Range("m24VB").Value
        If Range("tipo24maisVB").Value = 1 Then Me.OptionButton1.Value = True
        If Range("tipo24maisVB").Value = 2 Then Me.OptionButton2.Value = True
        If Range("tipo24maisVB").Value = 3 Then
            Me.OptionButton3.Value = True
            Me.TextBox298.Value = Range("ANO3VB").Value
            Me.TextBox299.Value = Range("ANO4VB").Value
            Me.TextBox300.Value = Range("ANO5VB").Value
            Me.TextBox301.Value = Range("ANO6VB").Value
            Me.TextBox302.Value = Range("ANO7VB").Value
            Me.TextBox303.Value = Range("ANO8VB").Value
            Me.TextBox304.Value = Range("ANO9VB").Value
            Me.TextBox305.Value = Range("ANO10VB").Value
            Me.TextBox306.Value = Range("ANO11VB").Value
            Me.TextBox307.Value = Range("ANO12VB").Value
            Me.TextBox308.Value = Range("ANO13VB").Value
            Me.TextBox309.Value = Range("ANO14VB").Value
            Me.TextBox310.Value = Range("ANO15VB").Value
            Me.TextBox311.Value = Range("ANO16VB").Value
            Me.TextBox312.Value = Range("ANO17VB").Value
            Me.TextBox313.Value = Range("ANO18VB").Value
            Me.TextBox314.Value = Range("ANO19VB").Value
            Me.TextBox315.Value = Range("ANO20VB").Value
        End If
        Me.OptionButton12 = True
        Me.TextBox296.Value = Range("ANO1VB").Value
        Me.TextBox297.Value = Range("ANO2VB").Value
        Me.TextBox298.Value = Range("ANO3VB").Value
        Me.TextBox299.Value = Range("ANO4VB").Value
        Me.TextBox300.Value = Range("ANO5VB").Value
        Me.TextBox301.Value = Range("ANO6VB").Value
        Me.TextBox302.Value = Range("ANO7VB").Value
        Me.TextBox303.Value = Range("ANO8VB").Value
        Me.TextBox304.Value = Range("ANO9VB").Value
        Me.TextBox305.Value = Range("ANO10VB").Value
        Me.TextBox306.Value = Range("ANO11VB").Value
        Me.TextBox307.Value = Range("ANO12VB").Value
        Me.TextBox308.Value = Range("ANO13VB").Value
        Me.TextBox309.Value = Range("ANO14VB").Value
        Me.TextBox310.Value = Range("ANO15VB").Value
        Me.TextBox311.Value = Range("ANO16VB").Value
        Me.TextBox312.Value = Range("ANO17VB").Value
        Me.TextBox313.Value = Range("ANO18VB").Value
        Me.TextBox314.Value = Range("ANO19VB").Value
        Me.TextBox315.Value = Range("ANO20VB").Value
    End If
    Me.TextBox40.Value = Range("PVsemImp").Value
    Me.ComboBox172.Value = Range("DPVsemImp").Value
    Me.ComboBox172.Value = Format(ComboBox172.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("PVsemImp2").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox72 = True
        Me.TextBox200.Value = Range("PVsemImp2").Value
        Me.ComboBox156.Value = Range("DPVsemImp2").Value
        Me.ComboBox156.Value = Format(ComboBox156.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    End If
    Me.TextBox208.Value = Range("ICMS").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox209.Value = Range("ISS").Value * 100
    Me.ComboBox17.Value = Range("IndexRec").Value
    Me.ComboBox18.Value = Range("MesUpdateRec").Value
    Me.TextBox75.Value = Range("P0MOD").Value
    If Range("P1MOD").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox9.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox25.Value = Range("P1MODDE").Value
        Me.ComboBox26.Value = Range("P1MODATE").Value
        Me.TextBox76.Value = Range("P1MOD").Value
        If Range("P2MOD").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox10.Value = True
            Me.TextBox77.Value = Range("P2MOD").Value
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox316.Value = Range("RTMODC").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox317.Value = Range("RTMODD").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox318.Value = Range("P0MANCAP").Value
    If Range("P1MANCAP").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox79.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox182.Value = Range("P1MANCAPDE").Value
        Me.ComboBox183.Value = Range("P1MANCAPATE").Value
        Me.TextBox319.Value = Range("P1MANCAP").Value
        If Range("P2MANCAP").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox80.Value = True
            Me.TextBox320.Value = Range("P2MANCAP").Value
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox323.Value = Range("P0MANPUR").Value
    If Range("P1MANPUR").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox81.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox186.Value = Range("P1MANPURDE").Value
        Me.ComboBox187.Value = Range("P1MANPURATE").Value
        Me.TextBox324.Value = Range("P1MANPUR").Value
        If Range("P2MANPUR").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox82.Value = True
            Me.TextBox325.Value = Range("P2MANPUR").Value
        End If
    End If
    If Range("PURVAR").Value = 2 Then
        CheckBox101 = True
        TextBox448.Value = Range("PURVAR1").Value
    End If
    Me.TextBox326.Value = Range("P0MANDIS").Value
    If Range("P1MANDIS").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox84.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox190.Value = Range("P1MANDISDE").Value
        Me.ComboBox191.Value = Range("P1MANDISATE").Value
        Me.TextBox327.Value = Range("P1MANDIS").Value
        If Range("P2MANDIS").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox83.Value = True
            Me.TextBox328.Value = Range("P2MANDIS").Value
        End If
    End If
    Me.ComboBox61.Value = Range("IndexCustos").Value
    Me.ComboBox62.Value = Range("MesUpdateCustos").Value
    Me.ComboBox220.Value = Range("DACD").Value
    Me.ComboBox220.Value = Format(ComboBox220.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    Me.TextBox425.Value = Range("P0SEGURO").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox434.Value = Range("P1SEGURO").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox451.Value = Range("BCICMSOM").Value * 100
    If Range("MERCADOEE2").Value = 2 Then
        Me.ComboBox196.Value = "Livre"
        Me.ComboBox196.Value = "Regulado"
    End If
    Me.TextBox331.Value = Range("DEMFP").Value
    Me.TextBox332.Value = Range("DEMHP").Value
    Me.TextBox333.Value = Range("CONFP").Value
    Me.TextBox343.Value = Range("CONHP").Value
    Me.TextBox334.Value = Range("CONVAR").Value
    Me.TextBox335.Value = Range("TUSDFP").Value
    Me.TextBox336.Value = Range("TUSDHP").Value
    Me.TextBox337.Value = Range("TUSDeFP").Value
    Me.TextBox338.Value = Range("TUSDeHP").Value
    Me.TextBox339.Value = Range("TEBAFP").Value
    Me.TextBox340.Value = Range("TEBAHP").Value
    Me.TextBox341.Value = Range("LIVRE").Value
    Me.TextBox344.Value = Range("FRLIV1").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox346.Value = Range("FRLIV2").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox349.Value = Range("FRLIV3").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox351.Value = Range("FRLIV4").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox353.Value = Range("FRLIV5").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox355.Value = Range("FRLIV6").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox357.Value = Range("FRLIV7").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox359.Value = Range("FRLIV8").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox361.Value = Range("FRLIV9").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox363.Value = Range("FRLIV10").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox365.Value = Range("FRLIV11").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox367.Value = Range("FRLIV12").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox369.Value = Range("FRLIV13").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox371.Value = Range("FRLIV14").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox373.Value = Range("FRLIV15").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox375.Value = Range("FRLIV16").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox377.Value = Range("FRLIV17").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox379.Value = Range("FRLIV18").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox381.Value = Range("FRLIV19").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox383.Value = Range("FRLIV20").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox345.Value = Range("FRREG1").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox347.Value = Range("FRREG2").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox348.Value = Range("FRREG3").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox350.Value = Range("FRREG4").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox352.Value = Range("FRREG5").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox354.Value = Range("FRREG6").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox356.Value = Range("FRREG7").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox358.Value = Range("FRREG8").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox360.Value = Range("FRREG9").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox362.Value = Range("FRREG10").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox364.Value = Range("FRREG11").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox366.Value = Range("FRREG12").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox368.Value = Range("FRREG13").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox370.Value = Range("FRREG14").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox372.Value = Range("FRREG15").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox374.Value = Range("FRREG16").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox376.Value = Range("FRREG17").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox378.Value = Range("FRREG18").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox380.Value = Range("FRREG19").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox382.Value = Range("FRREG20").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox329.Value = Range("RTEEC").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox330.Value = Range("RTEED").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox384.Value = Range("ICMSEE").Value * 100
    If Range("ValidCapex").Value = "ok" Then
        Me.Label601.Visible = True
        Me.Label601.Visible = False
    End If
    Me.TextBox123.Value = Range("CAPEX1IN").Value
    Me.ComboBox101.Value = Range("CAPEX1INDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox101.Value = Format(ComboBox101.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2IN").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox50 = True
        Me.TextBox124.Value = Range("CAPEX2IN").Value
        Me.ComboBox102.Value = Range("CAPEX2INDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox102.Value = Format(ComboBox102.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3IN").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox51 = True
            Me.TextBox125.Value = Range("CAPEX3IN").Value
            Me.ComboBox103.Value = Range("CAPEX3INDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox103.Value = Format(ComboBox103.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox128.Value = Range("CAPEX1TR").Value
    Me.ComboBox106.Value = Range("CAPEX1TRDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox106.Value = Format(ComboBox106.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2TR").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox54 = True
        Me.TextBox129.Value = Range("CAPEX2TR").Value
        Me.ComboBox107.Value = Range("CAPEX2TRDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox107.Value = Format(ComboBox107.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3TR").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox55 = True
            Me.TextBox130.Value = Range("CAPEX3TR").Value
            Me.ComboBox108.Value = Range("CAPEX3TRDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox108.Value = Format(ComboBox108.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox385.Value = Range("CAPEX1CC").Value
    Me.ComboBox197.Value = Range("CAPEX1CCDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox197.Value = Format(ComboBox197.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2TR").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox85 = True
        Me.TextBox386.Value = Range("CAPEX2CC").Value
        Me.ComboBox198.Value = Range("CAPEX2CCDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox198.Value = Format(ComboBox198.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3CC").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox86 = True
            Me.TextBox387.Value = Range("CAPEX3CC").Value
            Me.ComboBox199.Value = Range("CAPEX3CCDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox199.Value = Format(ComboBox199.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox389.Value = Range("CAPEX1IU").Value
    Me.ComboBox201.Value = Range("CAPEX1IUDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox201.Value = Format(ComboBox201.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2IU").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox88 = True
        Me.TextBox390.Value = Range("CAPEX2IU").Value
        Me.ComboBox202.Value = Range("CAPEX2IUDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox202.Value = Format(ComboBox202.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3IU").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox89 = True
            Me.TextBox391.Value = Range("CAPEX3IU").Value
            Me.ComboBox203.Value = Range("CAPEX3IUDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox203.Value = Format(ComboBox203.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox393.Value = Range("CAPEX1SP").Value
    Me.ComboBox205.Value = Range("CAPEX1SPDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox205.Value = Format(ComboBox205.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2SP").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox91 = True
        Me.TextBox394.Value = Range("CAPEX2SP").Value
        Me.ComboBox206.Value = Range("CAPEX2SPDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox206.Value = Format(ComboBox206.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3SP").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox92 = True
            Me.TextBox395.Value = Range("CAPEX3SP").Value
            Me.ComboBox207.Value = Range("CAPEX3SPDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox207.Value = Format(ComboBox207.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox470.Value = Range("CAPEX1EQ").Value
    Me.ComboBox222.Value = Range("CAPEX1EQDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox222.Value = Format(ComboBox222.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2EQ").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox104 = True
        Me.TextBox471.Value = Range("CAPEX2EQ").Value
        Me.ComboBox223.Value = Range("CAPEX2EQDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox223.Value = Format(ComboBox223.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3EQ").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox105 = True
            Me.TextBox472.Value = Range("CAPEX3EQ").Value
            Me.ComboBox224.Value = Range("CAPEX3EQDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox224.Value = Format(ComboBox224.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox473.Value = Range("CAPEX1MA").Value
    Me.ComboBox225.Value = Range("CAPEX1MADATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox225.Value = Format(ComboBox225.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MA").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox106 = True
        Me.TextBox474.Value = Range("CAPEX2MA").Value
        Me.ComboBox226.Value = Range("CAPEX2MADATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox226.Value = Format(ComboBox226.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MA").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox107 = True
            Me.TextBox475.Value = Range("CAPEX3MA").Value
            Me.ComboBox227.Value = Range("CAPEX3MADATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox227.Value = Format(ComboBox227.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox476.Value = Range("CAPEX1MEC").Value
    Me.ComboBox228.Value = Range("CAPEX1MECDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox228.Value = Format(ComboBox228.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MEC").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox108 = True
        Me.TextBox477.Value = Range("CAPEX2MEC").Value
        Me.ComboBox229.Value = Range("CAPEX2MECDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox229.Value = Format(ComboBox229.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MEC").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox109 = True
            Me.TextBox478.Value = Range("CAPEX3MEC").Value
            Me.ComboBox230.Value = Range("CAPEX3MECDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox230.Value = Format(ComboBox230.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox401.Value = Range("CAPEX1MF").Value
    Me.ComboBox213.Value = Range("CAPEX1MFDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox213.Value = Format(ComboBox213.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2MF").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox97 = True
        Me.TextBox402.Value = Range("CAPEX2MF").Value
        Me.ComboBox214.Value = Range("CAPEX2MFDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox214.Value = Format(ComboBox214.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3MF").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox98 = True
            Me.TextBox403.Value = Range("CAPEX3MF").Value
            Me.ComboBox215.Value = Range("CAPEX3MFDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox215.Value = Format(ComboBox215.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox404.Value = Range("CAPEX1EV").Value
    Me.ComboBox216.Value = Range("CAPEX1EVDATA").Value
    Me.ComboBox216.Value = Format(ComboBox216.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
    If Range("CAPEX2EV").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox99 = True
        Me.TextBox405.Value = Range("CAPEX2EV").Value
        Me.ComboBox217.Value = Range("CAPEX2EVDATA").Value
        Me.ComboBox217.Value = Format(ComboBox217.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        If Range("CAPEX3EV").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox100 = True
            Me.TextBox406.Value = Range("CAPEX3EV").Value
            Me.ComboBox218.Value = Range("CAPEX3EVDATA").Value
            Me.ComboBox218.Value = Format(ComboBox218.Value, "mmm/yyyy")
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox407.Value = Range("DEPRECINTP").Value
    Me.TextBox410.Value = Range("DEPRECCCTP").Value
    Me.TextBox411.Value = Range("DEPRECIUTP").Value
    Me.TextBox414.Value = Range("DEPRECSPTP").Value
    Me.TextBox479.Value = Range("DEPRECEQTP").Value
    Me.TextBox480.Value = Range("DEPRECMATP").Value
    Me.TextBox481.Value = Range("DEPRECMECTP").Value
    Me.TextBox416.Value = Range("DEPRECMFTP").Value
    Me.TextBox418.Value = Range("DEPRECEVTP").Value
    Me.TextBox423.Value = Range("RTDEPC").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox424.Value = Range("RTDEPD").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox421.Value = Range("RTMENAC").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox422.Value = Range("RTMEINT").Value * 100
    If Range("ValidLiber").Value = "ok" Then
        Me.Label600.Visible = True
        Me.Label600.Visible = False
    End If
    Me.TextBox152.Value = Range("DivBPTJ").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox153.Value = Range("DivBPPC").Value
    Me.TextBox459.Value = Range("DivBPPCJ").Value
    Me.TextBox154.Value = Range("DivBPPP").Value
    Me.TextBox438.Value = Range("DivBPG").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox450.Value = Range("DivBPC").Value
    Me.TextBox439.Value = Range("DivBPIF").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox441.Value = Range("DivBPRTJ").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox442.Value = Range("DivBPRPC").Value
    Me.TextBox460.Value = Range("DivBPRPCJ").Value
    Me.TextBox443.Value = Range("DivBPRPP").Value
    Me.TextBox444.Value = Range("DivBPRG").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox449.Value = Range("DivBPRC").Value
    Me.TextBox445.Value = Range("DivBPRIF").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox462.Value = Range("DivMTJ").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox463.Value = Range("DivMPC").Value
    Me.TextBox468.Value = Range("DivMPCJ").Value
    Me.TextBox464.Value = Range("DivMPP").Value
    Me.TextBox466.Value = Range("DivMIF").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox435.Value = Range("RECPCCAPEX").Value
    Me.TextBox436.Value = Range("RECICCAPEX").Value
    Me.ComboBox175.Value = Range("RT1ATE").Value
    Me.ComboBox173.Value = Range("RT1VL").Value
    If Range("RT2DE").Value <> "" Then
        Me.CheckBox77.Value = True
        Me.ComboBox176.Value = Range("RT2DE").Value
        Me.ComboBox177.Value = Range("RT2ATE").Value
        Me.ComboBox180.Value = Range("RT2VL").Value
        If Range("RT3DE").Value <> "" Then
            Me.CheckBox78.Value = True
            Me.ComboBox178.Value = Range("RT3DE").Value
            Me.ComboBox179.Value = Range("RT3ATE").Value
            Me.ComboBox181.Value = Range("RT3VL").Value
        End If
    End If
    Me.TextBox446.Value = Range("AIRPRES").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox447.Value = Range("ACSPRES").Value * 100
    If Range("INICMSR").Value = "" Then Me.OptionButton18.Value = True
    If Range("INICMSR").Value = 1 Then Me.OptionButton15.Value = True
    If Range("INICMSR").Value = 2 Then Me.OptionButton16.Value = True
    If Range("INICMSR").Value = 3 Then Me.OptionButton17.Value = True
    Me.TextBox452.Value = Range("INCENTIVO").Value * 100
    If Range("INCBSIR").Value = "SIM" Then
        OptionButton19.Value = True
        OptionButton20.Value = True
    End If
    If Range("PFINANCICMS").Value = "" Then
        Me.TextBox456.Value = ""
        Me.TextBox456.Value = Range("PFINANCICMS").Value / 12
    End If
    If Range("JFINANCICMS").Value = "" Then
        Me.TextBox457.Value = ""
        Me.TextBox457.Value = Range("JFINANCICMSAA") * 100
    End If
    Me.TextBox458.Value = Range("DFINANCICMS").Value * 100
    If Range("INFEDR").Value = 1 Then CheckBox102.Value = True
    Me.TextBox453.Value = Range("INCENTIVOIR").Value * 100
    If Range("INCICMSCAPEX").Value = 1 Then CheckBox103.Value = True
    Me.TextBox454.Value = Range("ICMSCAPEX").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox276.Value = Range("BioAV").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox277.Value = Range("Bio30CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox278.Value = Range("Bio60CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox279.Value = Range("Bio90CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox280.Value = Range("ResAV").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox281.Value = Range("Res30CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox282.Value = Range("Res60CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox283.Value = Range("Res90CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox284.Value = Range("FerAV").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox285.Value = Range("Fer30CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox286.Value = Range("Fer60CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox287.Value = Range("Fer90CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox288.Value = Range("Out1AV").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox289.Value = Range("Out130CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox290.Value = Range("Out160CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox291.Value = Range("Out190CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox292.Value = Range("Out2AV").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox293.Value = Range("Out230CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox294.Value = Range("Out260CR").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox295.Value = Range("Out290CR").Value * 100
    If Range("TipoCAPM").Value = 1 Then Me.OptionButton13 = True
    If Range("TipoCAPM").Value = 2 Then Me.OptionButton14 = True
    Me.TextBox427.Value = Range("CAPMfixo").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox428.Value = Range("RF").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox430.Value = Range("cpi").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox431.Value = Range("BetaDesalavanc").Value
    Me.TextBox432.Value = Range("RiscoMerc").Value * 100
    Me.TextBox433.Value = Range("RiscoAdc").Value * 100
End Sub

Desde já agradeço a ajuda ^^

Re: Macro que não funciona de primeira

Enviado: 06 Mai 2015 às 17:26
por alexandrevba
Boa tarde!!!

Essa macro está sendo executada de que forma em seu projeto?
Por um comando call, ou evento ...?

Seria interessante postar seu arquivo modelo, para saber como está o formulário etc.


Re: Macro que não funciona de primeira

Enviado: 08 Mai 2015 às 13:52
por k4n3d4
Desculpe a demora,

Consegui resolver o problema. Descobri que toda vez que salvava antes de executar a macro ela funcionava sem problemas, então eu apenas adicionei uma linha de comando para salvar no inicio da macro. resolveu o problema.

De qualquer forma muito obrigado ^^