Segue alternativa via macro.
Sem limites de números, de blocos, sem células auxiliares.
Código: Selecionar todosSub AngraESeusQuebraCabeças()
Dim b As Long, m As Long, v As Long, y As Long, k As Long, x As Boolean
Range("G10", Range("G10").End(xlToRight)).Interior.Color = xlNone
If [E10] Mod [E8] = 0 Then
For b = 1 To [E8]
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, [E10] / [E8]).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + [E10] / [E8]: x = Not x
Next b
ElseIf ([E10] - Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0)) Mod ([E8] - 1) = 0 Then
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0)).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0): x = Not x
For b = 1 To [E8] - 1
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, ([E10] - Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0)) / ([E8] - 1)).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + ([E10] - Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0)) / ([E8] - 1): x = Not x
Next b
ElseIf ([E10] - Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0)) Mod ([E8] - 1) = 0 Then
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0)).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0): x = Not x
For b = 1 To [E8] - 1
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, ([E10] - Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0)) / ([E8] - 1)).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + ([E10] - Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0)) / ([E8] - 1): x = Not x
Next b
Else: For b = 1 To [E8] - 1
k = IIf(x, Application.RoundUp([E10] / [E8], 0), Application.RoundDown([E10] / [E8], 0))
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, k).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
m = m + k: x = Not x
Next b
Cells(10, m + 7).Resize(, [E10] - m).Interior.Color = IIf(x, vbYellow, vbGreen)
End If
End Sub
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